Understanding the Wisdom Tooth Removal Process

Wisdom teeth, commonly known as third molars, usually appear in early adulthood. For some individuals, the arrival of these molars can become an uncomfortable experience. Often, these teeth can get 'stuck' or impacted, leading to various oral problems. For those residing in Tauranga, the experienced team at Duncan Dental on Elizabeth Street and 11th Avenue offers comprehensive wisdom tooth consultations and treatments.

Why Might You Need Wisdom Tooth Removal?

When wisdom teeth are unable to emerge properly, they can become trapped in the jawbone or gums. Such impaction can make cleaning the teeth a challenge, leading to tooth decay or swelling around the molars. Some of the symptoms include:

• Bad breath

• Soreness

• Infections causing difficulty in opening the mouth

• Swollen glands

• Fever

If these symptoms are recurrent, removal of the wisdom teeth is often recommended. Furthermore, if there's pain, signs of decay, or gum disease surrounding these teeth, extraction becomes imperative for oral health.

Will Removal Affect Your Wisdom?

There's a common joke surrounding the name "wisdom teeth." Rest assured, their removal won't have any bearing on your intelligence or wisdom! They’re named so because they emerge during early adulthood, a period often associated with increased wisdom, compared to other teeth that emerge during childhood.

The Wisdom Tooth Removal Process Explained

The thought of extraction can be nerve-wracking, but with advancements in dental practices, the procedure is generally smooth. At Duncan Dental, the process typically involves:

• Local anaesthesia to numb the area.

• For more challenging extractions, general anaesthesia might be administered, usually in a hospital setting, with an oral maxillofacial surgeon overseeing the procedure.

Post-Treatment Care

Post-operative care is crucial after wisdom tooth extraction:

1. Pain Management: It's common to experience swelling, discomfort, or pain post-treatment. Duncan Dental will provide pain medication to alleviate these symptoms.

2. Rest: Two days of rest post-surgery is highly recommended for swift recovery.

3. Dry Sockets: These occur when blood clots that help in healing get dislodged, leading to pain, soreness, and a foul taste. If you experience this around Day 3 post-surgery, it's essential to consult your dentist immediately.

4. Temporary Numbness: Some patients may experience numbness after the procedure. It often resolves within a few weeks, but in rare cases, it can persist for longer durations.

Recovery and Follow-up

Post-operative care is paramount for proper healing:

• Refrain from brushing near the extraction site initially.

• Follow guidelines on maintaining oral hygiene.

• Adhere to dietary recommendations given by your dentist.

A follow-up appointment is scheduled 1-2 weeks post-extraction for a healing assessment and stitch removal, if necessary.

Seek Expert Consultation at Duncan Dental

For Tauranga residents concerned about the health of their wisdom teeth, Duncan Dental offers a comprehensive evaluation and treatment approach. Their seasoned professionals can guide you through the process, ensuring your oral health is at its best. If you're experiencing discomfort, soreness, or have concerns about your wisdom teeth, don't hesitate to reach out to Duncan Dental for expert advice and care.

October 19, 2023

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