Our special interest procedures

At Duncan Dental in Tauranga there are some procedures that we have a real passion for.

Often Dentists jump to expensive and invasive solutions to certain oral issues. We have invested many hours in time and training to perfect a variety of special procedures that will save you money and provide a fantastic outcome. Some of these procedures are not offered at other local practices and we are proud to be able to offer these to you.

Twin Block - Functional Appliances

The Twin-Block appliance is a removable, functional, appliance used to treat patients with excessive protrusion of the upper front teeth, or an under developed lower jaw. The name “Twin-Block” is derived from the fact that the appliance is comprised of separate upper and lower plates with ramps (blocks) that work in tandem. These were developed by William Clark, an orthodontist who treated Stuart, when he was a child in his home town of Kirkcaldy.
This is an evidence-based treatment and has been used to successfully treat thousands of patients including both of Stuart's children.

O'Brien et al (2003) x 3
Clark (1988)
Lund and Sandler (1998)
Chadwick et al (1988)

Traditional Braces

Stuart uses top quality, American Orthodontics, MBT prescription, clear and metal, brackets and wires. He avoids extractions unless absolutely necessary but will use traditional London Space analysis and Therapeutic Diagnosis where necessary. All orthodontics treatment is evidence based, mainstream treatment. Stuart starts in very gentle wires and progresses through small incremental wire changes, so as to reduce discomfort and potential damage to the roots of the teeth. Gentle forces move the teeth, safely and most cases are finished in 12-24 months, longer if functional appliances are used first.

All of this will be discussed in full over at least 2 visits, the first visit is free and a full treatment plan, what will be involved, including costs will be agreed on with plenty of time to consider the options, prior to starting treatment in order to fully consent and cater for all patients needs. Because there are multiple visits in orthodontic cases, you will be prioritised for early morning, late evening and Saturday appointments where required so as to minimise work or school disruption. You will be kept informed of progress and the various stages of treatment and encouraged to ask questions. Read more


The primary objectives of a periodontal splint are to stabilise mobile teeth and ensure more comfortable occlusional (the contact between teeth) functioning for the patient. The materials that our Tauranga dentists use have excellent bonding to teeth surfaces and have a superior fatigue strength. As it is metal free it is very comfortable to wear, is aesthetically pleasing and does not interfere with masticatory function. This can delay or avoid having to wear a denture and is vastly cheaper than implants.

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