Improving Your Smile with a Twin-Block Appliance

Sometimes we need a little extra help to look and feel our best, and when it comes to our teeth, we may need intervention from time to time. Every set of teeth is different, and at Duncan Dental, we can help you modify your mouth, treat damage that has occurred through decay, and help rebuild your smile when you damage it by accident.

Jaw Realignment with A Twin Block

If your teeth have grown in out of alignment, or you are dealing with excessive protrusion of the front teeth, Duncan Dental Tauranga may be able to fit you with a Twin Block Functional Appliance. This can also be utilised as a remedy for an underdeveloped lower jaw. The Twin Block is constructed with both an upper and a lower plate, and these work in tandem to correct the alignment of your jaw.

It’s Worth It

To get optimum results, you generally need to wear your Twin Block appliance 24/7 for around 12 to 24 months. You may take them out to eat, clean your teeth or if you are playing contact sports. Once the alignment is corrected, you will likely wear a retainer to ensure the correction holds; this would probably be necessary for around 12 months at about 12 hours a day. Although this may seem like a lengthy process, it can produce dramatic improvements if you follow all the instructions from our dentists in Tauranga to the letter.

Care For Your Twin Block

Twin Block Functional Appliances are relatively easy to care for, and we give you a case to hold the retainer when you are not wearing it. It’s essential to keep the retainer out of direct heat, so don't leave it on the dashboard while you play sports - and keep your retainer away from your cat or dog; they like to chew on them! Twin Blocks can be a very effective treatment, and they have been used successfully since the 1970s.

To discuss getting a Twin Block fitted or other ways we can help, make an appointment to visit Duncan Dental on Elizabeth Street or 11th Avenue in Tauranga.

May 26, 2022

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