What Causes Sensitive Teeth and How to Live with It

Living with sensitive teeth can feel like a real hassle, and people who have not experienced the symptoms of teeth sensitivity may not be aware of how debilitating this condition can be for enjoying day-to-day living. At Duncan Dental in Tauranga, we understand that this condition can seriously disrupt your lifestyle if it’s not addressed, and we are here to chat through your options and offer some advice and treatment for your sensitive teeth.

What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

There is a range of things that may cause tooth sensitivity. Some people are actually born with a predisposition to sensitive teeth because of a genetic condition called enamel hypoplasia. Enamel hypoplasia is a congenital defect that can occur prenatally, and it means your enamel doesn’t form properly; it may be thin or have pits, grooves or fissures.

Enamel Is a Shield

Because your enamel protects your teeth like a hard-shell coating, any gaps in your enamel will make you more prone to sensitivity. At our Tauranga dentists, we have some treatments that can address genetic sensitivity, and we recommend early intervention for children that are found to be affected. There may be ways we can utilise bonding and crowns to stop sensitivity become a lifelong issue, and we are always available for a consultation to discover the root of your sensitivity.

Gentle Brushing

A good coating of enamel is the key to low sensitivity, especially from water filter tap water. There are many ways we damage the enamel coating on our teeth, and there are some simple things you can do between visits to Duncan Dental to ensure your enamel doesn't suffer damage. For instance, did you know that you should use a toothbrush with soft bristles? Although it may feel like a hard bristle is removing more bacteria from your mouth, it’s likely that you are actually removing enamel from your teeth.

Learning Correct Care

The same applies to flossing. While it is certainly really important to floss for the prevention of tooth decay and to protect your gums, when you attack your gums violently with your dental floss, you actually run the risk of enamel loss. At our dentists in Tauranga, we are happy to recommend a good toothbrush, and the dental hygienist is happy to give you a run-through on the correct way to brush and floss your teeth.

There are lots of reasons your teeth may be sensitive, and there are lots of ways we can work with you at Duncan Dental to alleviate this annoying and painful condition.

You don’t need to suffer in silence every time you bite into something cold; call our Elizabeth Street or Duncan Street Clinic today, and let’s find some solutions together.

June 24, 2022

dentist taurangaback

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