Specialist Dental Treatments Have Come a Long Way

Those of us who grew up in the 1970s and 1980s in New Zealand may have some scary stories about how braces were constructed back then! Dental treatments have come a long way, and at Duncan Dental, we keep abreast of the latest developments in the field of dentistry - and our orthodontic services utilise the most contemporary methods available to get your teeth looking the best they can be.

Teenage Teeth

If your child’s adult teeth have grown a little wonky, Invisalign may be a great solution to get them smiling again. Invisalign is a good option for addressing overcrowded teeth, overly spaced out teeth, bite misalignment - including overbites and midline shift - plus protruding teeth. While traditional braces are fixed to your teeth and can be quite disruptive with metal brackets and wires, Invisalign can be removed from time to time and are basically invisible!

Wide-Ranging Benefits

Along with producing straight teeth, choosing Invisalign at Duncan Dental Tauranga has knock-on benefits for the health of your teeth and gums. This is due to a reduced strain on your jaw which can even stop the development of periodontal disease and even increase the life of your teeth in general. Because this dental intervention is so discreet, it has the added benefit of ensuring your teenager feels comfortable to keep on smiling throughout the teeth straightening process.

Choose Duncan Dental for Easy Payment

While orthodontic treatments may be a little pricey, the benefits include increased confidence and self-esteem for most of our patients - and you can’t put a price on well-being. There are lots of payment options available at Duncan Dental in Tauranga, and there is bound to be one that will suit you. For Invisalign, there is the option to spread the payments out over the duration of the treatment - this is usually around 18-24 months, so plenty of time to get that smile shining!

Get in touch with Duncan Dental today to chat with our friendly team about Invisalign and a range of other orthodontic interventions.

October 21, 2022

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