Healthy Teeth Habits for Children Start Here

Did you know that Paediatric Dental Treatment is free in New Zealand until your child reaches the age of 18? Along with cleaning the teeth and checking gums, our Tauranga dentists treat cavities and show your child how to take care of their own dental health. Duncan Dental will teach your children the best way to brush, and help you point them at the ideal foods to eat for a great set of teeth.

Healthy Kids Become Healthy Adults

Whether your child has specialist dental needs, or if you are simply looking after their everyday dental requirements, it’s a smart move to make sure that a trip to our Tauranga dentists becomes part of a healthy self-care routine. We learn our dental habits from our parents, so it makes sense to talk to your children about dental appointments in positive ways.

Good Habits Start Early

At Duncan Dental’s clinics on Elizabeth Street and 11th Avenue in Tauranga, we understand how important those early visits are. A lifelong commitment to optimum dental health begins with a child that is comfortable in the dentist’s chair. Our practitioners are gentle and have been trained to deal with those patients that may need a little extra care.

Don’t Fear the Dentist Chair

The dental clinic may seem scary to your little one at first, the chair, the bright lights, and the dentistry tools can be intimidating. But with a calm approach and a dentist who understands that your child may be feeling a bit nervous, you can set your child up for a lifetime of great health habits.

This is Just a Drill

It’s a good idea to chat to your child about what to expect before you bring them in. One of the things that parents often forget to mention before they take their children for their first dental checkup is the noise. The drill can be loud, and when you combine that with the bright lights, it can all feel a bit daunting.

Positive Play

Playtime is a great way to normalise these concepts, when your child is brushing their teeth, introduce them to some of the sounds and smells they may encounter at the dentist. For instance, you could explain that the bright light is to help our dentists see the teeth that are trying to play hide-and-seek right at the back. The more they know before they go, the safer they will feel.

Specialist Dental Treatment

Most paediatric dental visits are straightforward, however, sometimes a more tailored approach is necessary. At our two dental clinics in Tauranga - at 11th Avenue and Elizabeth Street - our paediatric dentists are able to provide expert care, assessments, and referrals for the changing needs of your child, or young adult.

Duncan Dental has all your paediatric dentistry needs covered. Get in touch today to start the healthy habit of a lifetime.

October 11, 2021

family dentist taurangaback

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