Everything You Need to Know About Dental Bridges

If you're missing one or more teeth, dental bridges might be the solution you've been seeking. Not only do they restore the aesthetic appeal of your smile, but they also have profound functional benefits, ensuring a healthier and more harmonious oral environment. In this guide, we delve into what dental bridges are, their importance, advantages, and how they work.

The Fundamentals of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are prosthetic devices that essentially "bridge" the gap left by missing teeth. True to their name, these dental bridges link the remaining teeth, providing a seamless and natural look. They're especially beneficial in ensuring neighbouring teeth don’t drift into the empty gum space.

Why are Dental Bridges Important?

Imagine building a wall without cement between bricks. Over time, the bricks could shift, and the wall may become unstable. Similarly, the gaps left by missing teeth in your mouth act like those spaces between bricks. Without the cementing presence of a tooth, the adjacent teeth can rotate or shift, causing a plethora of problems.

One of the most notable consequences of such shifting is a misaligned bite. A misaligned bite might seem benign, but it's a gateway to other more serious issues, such as gum disease and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. These problems not only affect oral health but can also lead to chronic discomfort and pain.

Advantages of Dental Bridges

Opting for dental bridges comes with a plethora of benefits:

Restoring Functionality: They help in restoring your jaw's optimal function, ensuring you can chew food comfortably.

Maintaining Facial Structure: Missing teeth can change the shape of your face over time. Bridges help in maintaining the natural structure of your face.

Rectifying Bite Issues: A proper bite is essential for chewing and overall mouth health. Bridges aid in aligning your bite properly.

Enhanced Speech and Eating: Missing teeth can interfere with speech and eating. Bridges eliminate these problems, ensuring clearer speech and hassle-free eating.

Confidence Booster: With a complete set of teeth, you can confidently flash your smile, boosting your self-esteem.

How Dental Bridges Work

Crafted from materials like porcelain, zirconia, or gold, dental bridges are designed to match the natural look and feel of teeth. They are cemented onto neighbouring natural teeth or dental implants, providing a firm and lasting solution. Once placed, dental bridges aren’t removable by you; only a dentist can take them off. With the right care and maintenance, including good oral hygiene practices, they can last anywhere from 20 to 30 years.

Get Expert Advice at Duncan Dental

If the absence of one or more teeth is causing you discomfort or hampering your confidence, don't wait. Schedule an appointment with Duncan Dental, conveniently located on 11th Ave or Elizabeth Street in Tauranga. Our expert dentists will provide a comprehensive examination and guide you on whether dental bridges are the ideal solution for you. Your journey to a brighter and healthier smile is just an appointment away.

October 19, 2023

dental bridges taurangaback

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